Who We Are    


Founded in 1957, the Northfield Park District has continually grown to meet the recreational needs of the community by delivering the highest quality parks, facilities and programs.  The Park District is a separate taxing body from the Village of Northfield and is governed by a 7 member Park Board of Commissioners. 

What's Next for the Northfield Park District 

To remain connected to the wants and needs of the community, the Park District regularly updates its Comprehensive Master Plan, most recently in early 2023.  It was developed through extensive community feedback and serves as the road map for the next 5 years.  Additional funding is needed to execute approximately $10MM in capital projects derived from the plan.

The Action Plan Priorities for the Next 5 Years Focus on Expansion

  • Address Underserved Planning Areas Within The Park District 
  • Upgrade And Expand Amenities To Improve Offerings At Existing Parks 
  • Expand Use Of Indoor Space 
  • Improve Sustainability 
Capital Projects (click project name for details)Cost Estimate Range
Willow Park Phase II (coming 2025)$800K - $900K
New North Side Pocket Park & Playground$500K - $600K
Community Center Expansion$2MM - $3MM
Fox Meadow Boardwalk Loop Extension & Playground Replacement$500K - $600K
Willow Park Outdoor Restrooms & Maintenance Facility Improvements$2.5MM - $3.5MM
Future Land Acquisition$2MM - $5MM


How Have Past Projects Been Funded?

Park District projects typically involve a combination of fund balance reserves, State and/or Federal grant support, donations secured through the Northfield Parks Foundation, and taking on debt when necessary.  The Park District currently has approximately $1.7MM in outstanding debt that carries an average interest rate of 2%.  This debt is scheduled to be retired in 2031, after which considerations can be made to take on new debt to fund future projects.  

The Park District has always been committed to long-term financial sustainability. Our long-range capital replacement plan is updated annually to account for the replacement of aging assets. We are well positioned to operate, maintain and eventually replace all current assets; and we've done this with one of the lowest property tax rates in the area.  

Looking Ahead - Property Tax Referendum 

To achieve the desired improvements and support the expansion of our parks, facilities, and programs, additional funds are needed.  After a detailed review of all funding mechanisms, the Park Board of Commissioners surveyed the community to gauge support for potential referendum.  With 53% of survey respondents indicating they are somewhat or very likely to support a property tax increase, the Board recently voted to place a referendum on the ballot for the upcoming April 1st election.  

The Northfield Park District is proposing an increase to the limiting rate to support sustainable Park District growth including the implementation of the Comprehensive Master Plan.  A Limiting Rate Referendum requests a permanent increase to the Park District property tax rate that would take effect beginning with the 2025 tax bills (payable in 2026). 


How Would This Referendum Affect Your Property Taxes?  

If this referendum were to pass, Park District taxes would increase by an anticipated $30 per $100,000 of property value.

Tax Impact Calculator


How to Vote

Early voting begins March 17th, with the Consolidated Election taking place April 1st.  To find information on your voter registration status, polling place, and early voting options, visit the Cook County Clerk's site.  To request a mail in ballot, click HERE.  


  April 1st Ballot Question


An informational postcard will be sent to all residents in the coming weeks, accompanied by emails and social media communication between now and April.  Anyone with questions or concerns is encouraged to attend an upcoming meeting of the Park Board on February 24th or March 17th (6:30pm at the Community Center).

Email questions to: [email protected]